Metalama for UI Apps

Metalama can save you a significant amount of redundant code and reduce errors when implementing UI apps, whether they run on desktop, mobile, or browser through WASM. UI apps are often complex, requiring a lot of boilerplate code to make them reactive to user input. Metalama aids in implementing observability (allowing the UI framework to react to data changes), input validation, memoization, and framework-specific constructs such as dependency properties or commands in WPF.


Available for all UI frameworks

Most modern UI applications rely on binding data classes to UI classes. The INotifyPropertyChanged interface is the standard way to achieve this. However, implementing this interface manually can be cumbersome and error-prone, particularly when dealing with a large number of properties.

Thanks to Metalama's Observable aspect of the Metalama.Patterns.Observability open-source package, you can implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface automatically. The plumbing code is generated on-the-fly when you compile, so your source code remains clean and concise.


In the following code, the [Observable] aspect is applied to two classes: Customer (the Model class) and CustomerViewModel.

// THAT'S ALL. These classes implement INotifyPropertyChanged
// Thanks to the [Observable] aspect.

public partial class Customer
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

public partial class CustomerViewModel
    // YES. This property can change.
    public Customer Customer { get; set; }

    // YES. This property depends on a property of a property.
    public string FullName
        => $"{this.Customer.FirstName} {this.Customer.LastName}";


  • Boost your productivity. Eliminate 95% of the INotifyPropertyChanged repetitive code, as most cases are handled automatically.
  • Avoid errors. Never forget to call OnPropertyChanged again.
  • Keep your code clean and concise. Your business logic is no longer hidden behind the observability plumbing.


  • Idiomatically C#: Metalama works with your code, not against it.
  • Recursive code analysis algorithm that detects dependencies of properties on fields and other properties within.
  • Support for complex dependencies, such as properties depending on properties of child objects or of the base class.
  • Customizable. Take control when needed to handle corner cases.
  • Compatible with MVVM frameworks.
  • Open source (MIT).


Code contracts

Available for all UI frameworks

Metalama's code contracts are a simple mechanism to validate the value assigned to properties, fields, or parameters. When applied to Model or ViewModel properties, code contracts can be used to implement user input validation.

Code contracts can also be used to implement defensive programming: a strategy where individual components (even non-user-facing ones) do not trust each other and aggressively check their preconditions. Defensive programming prevents the propagation of defects from one component to another, easing the diagnostic of exceptions.

Code contracts are similar to the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace, but can be applied to any class and not just ASP.NET ones.


The following snippet shows contracts applied to properties of the Customer class.

public class Customer
    public string? Phone { get; set; }

    public string? Url { get; set; }

    [Range( 1900, 2100 )]
    public int? BirthYear { get; set; }

    public string? FirstName { get; set; }

    public string LastName { get; set; }

Here we have a contract applied to an out parameter.

public interface ICustomerService
    // Returns the name of a given customer or null if it cannot be found,
    // but never returns an empty string.
    bool TryGetCustomerName( int id, [NotEmpty] out string? name );

This code will check the value of all non-nullable parameters in the current project.

internal class Fabric : ProjectFabric
    public override void AmendProject( IProjectAmender amender )


  • Validate user inputs while keeping your code concise and readable.
  • Implement defensive programming and prevent the propagation of bugs from one component to another.


  • Preconditions: input parameter values, field/property setter values.
  • Postconditions: output parameter values, return values, property getter values.
  • Invariants: method executed before exiting any public method.
  • Global null-checking with one line of code thanks to fabrics.
  • Customizable and localizable: change the throw statement at will.
  • Open source (MIT).



Available for WPF only

One of the best practices in WPF is to implement the logic behind buttons and menu items as a Command (ICommand) instead of a simple event handler. This keeps the command logic separate from the UI code, achieving a better separation of concerns. It also allows the button or menu item to render itself as grayed out when the command is not available, thanks to CanExecute.

The implementation of WPF commands requires some redundant code, especially to integrate the CanExecute logic.

The Command aspect of the Metalama.Patterns.Wpf open-source package solves this problem by automatically generating the plumbing code. It integrates with the Observable aspect to provide support for the CanExecute logic.


In the following example, the [Command] aspect will generate an ExecuteSaveCommand property based on the ExecuteSave method and the CanExecuteSave property.

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public bool HasChanges { get; private set; };

    public void ExecuteSave()
        // Details skipped.

    public bool CanExecuteSave => this.HasChanges;


  • Boost your productivity. Minimize boilerplate code to implement ICommand properties.
  • Keep your code clean and concise. Your business logic is easier to read and less entangled.


  • Idiomatically C#: Metalama works with your code, not against it.
  • Supports simple, parameterized, async, and background commands.
  • Integrates with the [Observable] aspect to handle the CanExecute functionality without boilerplate.
  • Open source (MIT).


Dependency property

Available for WPF only


public partial class FancyTextBlock : UserControl
    public FancyTextBlock()

    public string Text { get; set; } = "Hello, world.";

    public Brush FancyBorderBrush { get; set; }

    public void OnFancyBorderBrushChanged() { /* Handle changes here. */}


  • Boost your productivity. Generate dependency properties from C# automatic properties without boilerplate code.
  • Keep your code clean and concise. Your business logic is easier to read and less entangled.


  • Integrates with Metalama.Patterns.Contracts to set validation rules without reinventing the wheel.
  • Fully customizable: add your own validation or OnPropertyChanged callbacks.
  • Open source (MIT).



Available for all UI frameworks In high-performance apps or components, memoization is the technique of "remembering" the value of a read-only property of an object to avoid subsequent evaluations. Memoization is helpful when a property always returns the same value for the same object. Unlike caching, memoization does not rely on an external caching component or a string-based key but is implemented directly in the property, making it very fast.

High-performance implementations of the memoization pattern can be tricky to implement due to multi-threading issues.

Metalama's Memoize aspect makes this process trivial, effectively turning a standard read-only property into a memoized one without any boilerplate.


In the following snippet, the PatternBrush property is memoized, ensuring it is created only once.

public class ExpensiveResourceViewModel : DependencyObject
    public VisualBrush PatternBrush => new VisualBrush
        TileMode = TileMode.Tile,
        Viewport = new Rect(0, 0, 20, 20),
        ViewportUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute,
        Visual = CreatePatternVisual()

    private DrawingVisual CreatePatternVisual()
        var visual = new DrawingVisual();
        using (var context = visual.RenderOpen())
            context.DrawRectangle(Brushes.LightGray, null, new Rect(0, 0, 20, 20));
            context.DrawLine(new Pen(Brushes.Blue, 2), new Point(0, 0), new Point(20, 20));
            context.DrawLine(new Pen(Brushes.Blue, 2), new Point(20, 0), new Point(0, 20));
        return visual;


  • Improve your application's performance.
  • Avoid common mistakes in implementing the memoization code pattern.
  • Keep your code clean and concise.


Change tracking

When programming UIs, especially "transactional" UIs with Ok buttons, it's necessary to detect whether a data object has been modified. This feature is often called the Dirty Flag. It allows, for instance, enabling or disabling the Save button. In .NET, this behavior is abstracted by the IChangeTracking interface. Another interface, IRevertibleChangeTracking, supports the Reset feature.

Here is the definition of these system interfaces:

public interface IChangeTracking
  bool IsChanged { get; }
  void AcceptChanges();

public interface IRevertibleChangeTracking : IChangeTracking
  void RejectChanges();

Implementing these interfaces manually requires a lot of work because it is necessary to instrument every property setter or any method modifying fields.

Generating code in properties and fields is exactly where Metalama excels.

You can create an aspect that adds the IChangeTracking or IRevertibleChangeTracking interface to the target type and instruments all fields and properties to set the IsChanged property.


Implementing IChangeTracking or even IRevertibleChangeTracking in the following classes can be as easy as adding a [TrackChanges] custom attribute. We made a slight modification to the .NET pattern: we require an IsTrackingChanges property to be enabled for change tracking to work.

public partial class Comment
    public Guid Id { get; init; }
    public required string Author { get; set; }
    public required string Content { get; set; }

public class ModeratedComment : Comment
    public bool? IsApproved { get; set; }

Let's see this aspect in action.

var comment = new ModeratedComment
    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
    Author = "Cicero",
    Content = "Non nobis solum nati sumus",

    // Must be the last one.
    IsTrackingChanges = true


comment.IsApproved = true;


The program prints the following text:


Show me how it works!

The TrackChanges aspect transforms the Comment class into this:

public partial class Comment : ISwitchableChangeTracking, IChangeTracking
    private string _author;
    private string _content;

    public required Guid Id { get; init; }

    public required string Author
        get => this._author;
            if (value != this._author)
                this._author = value;

    public required string Content
        get => this._content;

            if (value != this._content)
                this._content = value;

    public bool IsChanged { get; private set; }
    public bool IsTrackingChanges { get; set; }

    public void AcceptChanges()
        IsChanged = false;

    protected void OnChange()
        if (IsTrackingChanges)
            IsChanged = true;

A more complex variant of the aspect can integrate with the INotifyPropertyChanged interface or implement the RejectChanges functionality.

Metalama benefits



Undo/redo is always a popular feature, especially in UIs that do not rely on pushing the Ok button. A common way to implement it is to follow the Memento pattern, originally formalized by the famous "Gang of Four's" Design Patterns book.

For details, see the Memento Pattern on this website.