Download PostSharp
All downloads are compatible with all licenses. No key is required for the free PostSharp Essentials or the 45-day trial.
NuGet [Packages]
To start with PostSharp, install the appropriate NuGet package and begin coding.
.NET Framework, .NET (Core), Xamarin, and Blazor are fully tested and supported.
Use other .NET Standard platforms at your own risk.
Requirements > Release Notes >

PostSharp Tools for Visual Studio
Install our tooling for an optimal coding and debugging experience:
- Enhanced debugging: Step over aspect, clean call stack.
- Enhanced Intellisense: See which aspects are present in your code.
- Code actions: Get started easily.

Get Started
1. Download
Add the NuGet packages to your project.
Optionally, install PostSharp Tools for Visual Studio.
2. Choose Free or Pro
The first time you start PostSharp, you will be presented with the following options:
- Start with the free PostSharp Essentials.
- Start with a free trial of PostSharp Ultimate.
- Enter a commercial license key.
3. Get Started
Once you're all set, you can start adding aspects to your application. Read the doc.
Obtain a Free License
If you are a freelancer, MVP, blogger, author, student, or teacher, you can apply for a PostSharp Ultimate Free License.
Previous Versions
All versions dating back to 2009 are still available for download.